The trip to Houdan this year was a huge success. 

After an uneventful trip through the tunnel the  coach headed   south to Houdan where  we were welcomed by the mayor at a reception at the town hall. With a glass of wine in hand we found out more about our exciting weekend of entertainment. We were then sent off to the homes of our hosts and a family meal in the evening.

Saturday brought a sunny day and a trip to a chateaux and formal gardens enjoyed by all. In the evening some spent time with their host families at group dinner parties at homes around the village.Much good food and more wine was consumed and Franglais spoken. 

Sunday dawned as another beautiful day with a garden party lunch and a get together for all the French and English involved at a beautiful farmhouse in the countryside. As always the Houdan families were very generous and provided the most lavish group feast  and a memorable day. 

As Monday came round rather  too quickly we were all sad to say goodbye to our french friends old and new and were full of suggestions of when to meet up again. 

Please do have a look at the photos of the trip taken by Steve Harris.

Or view the taster of the DVD of the trip that has been put together by Mike Power.

This is available to buy from the committee for a small fee of £5. Please contact Richard Nurick if you would like to buy a DVD. 0118 9842565