Our Twinning weekend for 2017 is only a few weeks away now.
Our French visitors will arrive at the village hall on Friday evening 28th April at around 5pm.
The Pangbourne silver band will play to welcome them to the village. A short welcome reception will take place and the visitors will be assigned to their hosts. It seems that approximately 30 people will arrive by coach. Hosts will then take their guests home for a supper and a restful evening.
Saturday morning will be spent visiting the shops in Pangbourne with a possible visit to Lamborghini car centre followed by a picnic lunch prior to leaving for a tour around the sights of Reading.
Saturday evening will be spent with the host family.
Sunday lunch will be held at the Dolphin Centre with a fully catered lunch menu.
Sunday evening there is the possibility of Evensong at Lower Basildon Church at 6.00pm for those who are interested.possibly with a snack available.
The french visitors will then gather together for the fond farewells at the primary school car park on Monday morning.
If you would like to host an individual , a couple or maybe a family please contact the association
via Richard Nurick (chairman) rnurick@hotmail.com