Pangbourne Twinning Association Friday 27th March 2020
7.30 pm Dorman Room, Horseshoe Road, Pangbourne .
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the last meeting
3. Chairman’s report
4. Treasurers report
5. Constitution: to report that the Management Committee has reviewed the Constitution.
The management committee proposes the following amendments to the Constitution: (NOTE requires 2/3 majority to approve)
i. 2. Aims of the Association: Amend the wording of part a), replacing the words “ and District” with “ and the surrounding area” To add the following words
c) “To increase understanding and appreciation of French culture, history and language
d) To promote project-led exchanges connected with economic development, trade exchanges or exchanges of knowledge / skills.
e) To promote and increase social cohesion in Pangbourne and surrounding villages through a programme of social and cultural activities.”
ii. 3 Membership. To delete all reference to payment and categories of membership so that 3 now reads
“Membership shall be open to all persons who support the aims of the Association.”
iii. 5 The Committee. To amend the wording to reduce the number of members from twelve to a minimum of six including the officers and reducing the quorum from 5 to 4 so that 5 now reads
“The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Management Committee consisting of a minimum of six members, including the officers elected annually at the A.G.M. of the Association.
a) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt and co-opted members shall have the right to vote.
b) The quorum shall be four.
c)The Committee shall have the power to set up sub-committees, which shall have the power to co-opt to their membership, with the power to vote.
d) To avoid possible conflicts of interest, no Committee member shall have any trading interest in the Committee.”
iv. 6. Election of Officers. to amend the wording to be in line with recent practice that the AGM elects the officers, rather than the management committee. So that 6 now reads “The AGM shall elect a Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer. Such other officers as it deems necessary shall be appointed by the Management Committee. An Honorary Auditor shall be elected annually by the A.G.M. of the Association.”
v. 8 The Management Committee shall be headed “ The Annual General Meeting (AGM). The notice period required for the AGM should be increased from 14 days to 28 days.
vi. 9 Voting at the AGM should be amended to remove reference to categories of membership. (copies of the draft amended Constitution will be available at the meeting).
6. Election of Officers
Hon Secretary
Hon Treasurer
7. Election of Management Committee
8. Appointment of the Auditor
Any other business